Super shiny. Super expensive. Walk away Damon, WALK AWAY! |
Yes, I know, I know. It's been a long time since I posted. What can I say -- it's winter and we've had a ton of stuff happening in our life. A ton. More on that later, let's talk ocean. Or at least let's talk boat.
Last weekend we shot down to Boston for the New England Boat Show. NEBS doesn't have the appeal of the Newport Boat Show, or Strictly Sail down in St Pete. It has a ton of little run-abouts, it's inside, and there aren't that many sailboats. But it comes at just the right time -- February, when we're just about done with winter, both literally and figuratively. We thought it'd be a great time to look for all the "stuff" we need as we refit
Fulmar for her first sailing season with us. We're looking at dropping several thousand dollars on the basics, so why not see what kind of deals we can get?
My this is a calm anchorage! |
Indoor sailing in February. |
We climbed up on a bunch of fancypants boats and talked to a ton of people about boat slips and batteries and insurance. Then we found the good folks at
New England Lettering, which is fortuitous, as we need to change the name on the boat. Fulmar is a "documented boat," meaning she doesn't have state registration numbers, instead she has a federal registration. We have to have her name and hailing port clearly identified on her at all times, plus her documentation number permanently affixed to her someplace down below. We finally just got our title from the Coast Guard, with a stern statement telling us there is a $10000 fine for not properly identifying your boat, so we were motivated to get that name sign made.
Designing the lettering. So many options. |
We were able to design the name and home port right at the booth, and just as quick as you could swipe a Visa card, the vinyl lettering was being cut on their nifty little machine. These guys are good; obviously this is something they can do in their sleep.
Super pretty! Fulmar is going to feel like a new girl! |
Putting the backing on. |
Ready to apply to the boat! Now we just need to get those old letter off . . . . |
So the sailing season grows nearer, and things get more and more real!